Legislation Updates

For information on legislation that has been introduced to the Palm Beach Board of County Commissioners (BCC), click on the link below for the current agenda:

Palm Beach Board of Commissioners Agenda  (note: the agenda is posted on line approximately 1 week before the scheduled meeting date)

To find your Palm Beach County Commissioner, click here


Below is a listing of current and previous legislative bills that have been introduced in the Florida Legislature

Click here to find your  FL State Representative or  here to find your FL State Senator

To learn about the process of how a bill becomes a law in Florida, click here.

For information on legislation that has been introduced in the U.S. Senate or House of Representatives, visit: www.avma.org/advocacy/national OR www.congress.gov

Click here to find your US Congressional Representative or here to find your US Senator

To learn about the process of how a bill becomes a federal law, click here.

Florida Bills to watch for the 2025 Legislative Session

Proposed bill

Summary of Proposed Bill or Regulation


HB 57 Offenses involving Xylazine

Provides criminal penalties & requires mandatory minimum term of imprisonment for specified offenses involving xylazine.



HB 205


Abandoning Restrained Dogs during Natural Disasters

Providing increased criminal penalties for animal cruelty offenses committed during a declared state of emergency, etc.

HB 103

SB 152

Protection from Surgical Smoke

Requires hospitals & ambulatory surgical centers to adopt & implement policies requiring use of smoke evacuation systems during certain surgical procedures.

HB 115  Clinical Laboratory Personnel

Removes requirements that DOH conduct examinations for clinical laboratory personnel licensure & register clinical laboratory trainees; removes requirement that Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel approve training curricula for licensure of clinical laboratory personnel; repeals provisions relating to approval of laboratory personnel training programs; requires applicants for licensure as technologist or technician who meet specified criteria be deemed to have satisfied minimum qualifications for licensure

SB 210 Animal Cremation

Creating “Sevilla’s Law”; requiring a provider of companion animal cremation services to provide certain individuals and entities with a written description of the services the provider offers; providing that the written description may not contain false or misleading information; providing that certain acts are unlawful; providing civil penalties for initial and subsequent offenses, etc.

HB 211 Farm Products

Provides that collection, storage, processing, & distribution of farm product is activity of bona fide farm operation which governmental entity may not prohibit, restrict, regulate, or otherwise limit.

HB 255

SB 502

Animal Cruelty toward Domestic Animals

Provides criminal punishment scoring for offenses.

HB 263..

SB 534

Animal Cruelty

Prohibits person from confining an animal in an unattended motor vehicle in certain circumstances.

HB 455

SB 494

Animal Cruelty

Requiring the Department of Law Enforcement to post on its website the names of certain individuals who have violated specified animal cruelty provisions, etc.

SB 572 Dangerous Dogs

Citing this act as the “Pam Rock Act”; requiring certain dog owners to securely confine their dogs in a proper enclosure; requiring, rather than authorizing, that dogs subject to certain dangerous dog investigations be confiscated, impounded, and held; requiring animal control authorities to provide certain information to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and to destroy certain dogs; requiring the department to create and maintain a statewide Dangerous Dog Registry, etc.