For information on legislation that has been introduced to the Palm Beach Board of County Commissioners (BCC), click on the link below for the current agenda:
Palm Beach Board of Commissioners Agenda (note: the agenda is posted on line approximately 1 week before the scheduled meeting date)
To find your Palm Beach County Commissioner, click here
Below is a listing of current and previous legislative bills that have been introduced in the Florida Legislature
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For information on legislation that has been introduced in the U.S. Senate or House of Representatives, visit: OR
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To learn about the process of how a bill becomes a federal law, click here.
Florida Bills to watch for the 2025 Legislative Session |
Proposed bill |
Summary of Proposed Bill or Regulation |
Status |
HB 767 |
Practice of Veterinary MedicineRevises membership of Board of Veterinary Medicine; establishes application criteria for persons who desire to become & who are licensed as veterinary technicians; authorizes licensed veterinary technicians or technologists to perform specified services under supervision of licensed veterinarians; provides that licensed veterinarians are responsible for all services performed by licensed veterinary technicians or technologists; provides services that only licensed veterinarians may make or provide; authorizes supervising veterinarian to delegate to licensed veterinary technician responsibility of supervising certain tasks performed by unlicensed persons. |
HB 1059 |
Proration of or not Requiring Continuing EducationRevises applicability of provisions related to proration of or not requiring continuing education.
HB 729 |
Veterinary Professional AssociatesCiting this act as the “Veterinary Workforce Innovation Act”; authorizing certain individuals to use the title “veterinary professional associate”; authorizing veterinary professional associates to perform certain duties only while under the responsible supervision of a licensed veterinarian; prohibiting such associates from prescribing certain drugs or controlled substances or performing certain surgical procedures, etc.
HB 57 |
Offenses involving XylazineProvides criminal penalties & requires mandatory minimum term of imprisonment for specified offenses involving xylazine. |
HB 655
Pet Insurance & Wellness ProgramsRequires pet insurers to make certain disclosures to pet insurance applicants & policyholders, including summary of their bases or formulas for determination of claim payments under pet insurance policy; requires pet insurers to disclose certain requirements for required medical examinations of pet; authorizes pet insurance applicants & policyholders to examine & return insurance policies & riders within certain timeframe; authorizes pet insurers to issue policies that exclude coverage on basis of preexisting conditions; provides that pet insurer has specified burden of proof with regard to such exclusions; authorizes pet insurers to issue new policies that impose waiting period for specified illnesses, diseases, or conditions; prohibits pet insurers from issuing policies imposing waiting period for accidents; authorizes pet insurers to require examination after purchase of policy; prohibits pet insurer from requiring medical examination to renew policy; prohibits insurance applicants’ eligibility from being based on participation or lack of participation in wellness programs. |
HB 1481 |
Dog BreedingEstablishes presumption that breeding female dog is being used for breeding purposes unless certain conditions are met; requires dog breeder certificate of registration & dog breeding facility certificate of inspection; provides criteria for DACS to enter into cooperative agreements to conduct certain inspections; authorizes DACS to create risk-based inspection frequency system; requires DACS to create database on its website which contains certain information on dog breeders, dog breeding facilities, & retail establishments that sell dogs; requires DACS to create whistleblower program; requires dog breeders to microchip certain dogs; provides specifications relating to microchipping requirements & retail establishments; provides civil penalties; provides for enforcement; authorizes civil & criminal penalties. |
SB 210 |
Animal CremationCreating “Sevilla’s Law”; requiring a provider of companion animal cremation services to provide certain individuals and entities with a written description of the services the provider offers; providing that the written description may not contain false or misleading information; providing that certain acts are unlawful; providing civil penalties for initial and subsequent offenses, etc. |
HB 205 |
Abandoning Restrained Dogs during Natural DisastersProviding increased criminal penalties for animal cruelty offenses committed during a declared state of emergency, etc. |
HB 255 |
Animal Cruelty toward Domestic AnimalsProvides criminal punishment scoring for offenses. |
HB 263.. |
Animal CrueltyProhibits person from confining an animal in an unattended motor vehicle in certain circumstances. |
HB 455 |
Animal CrueltyRequiring the Department of Law Enforcement to post on its website the names of certain individuals who have violated specified animal cruelty provisions, etc |
SB 572 | .
Dangerous DogsCiting this act as the “Pam Rock Act”; requiring certain dog owners to securely confine their dogs in a proper enclosure; requiring, rather than authorizing, that dogs subject to certain dangerous dog investigations be confiscated, impounded, and held; requiring animal control authorities to provide certain information to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and to destroy certain dogs; requiring the department to create and maintain a statewide Dangerous Dog Registry, etc. |
HB 1395 |
Animal Cruelty OffensesProhibits engaging in specified acts of animal cruelty in presence of child or causing or enticing child to engage in such acts; increases offense severity ranking of offense of fighting or bating animals.
HB 1407 |
Compounding PharmaciesAuthorizes certain patients, to determine, with assistance & guidance of their health care provider, individual courses of treatment; authorizes compounding pharmacies to access certain ingredients for compounding. |
HB 103 |
Protection from Surgical SmokeRequires hospitals & ambulatory surgical centers to adopt & implement policies requiring use of smoke evacuation systems during certain surgical procedures. |
HB 115
Clinical Laboratory PersonnelRemoves requirements that DOH conduct examinations for clinical laboratory personnel licensure & register clinical laboratory trainees; removes requirement that Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel approve training curricula for licensure of clinical laboratory personnel; repeals provisions relating to approval of laboratory personnel training programs; requires applicants for licensure as technologist or technician who meet specified criteria be deemed to have satisfied minimum qualifications for licensure. |
HB 211 |
Farm ProductsProvides that collection, storage, processing, & distribution of farm product is activity of bona fide farm operation which governmental entity may not prohibit, restrict, regulate, or otherwise limit |
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